The Samsung Chromebook XE303C12 is a new line of ultraportables designed specifically for Google's Chrome OS. Powered by a Samsung Exynos 5250, it gives you two cores running at 1.7GHz each and an included Mali-T604 quad-core GPU.
Note: After enabling developer mode, you will need to press Ctrl-D each time you boot, or wait 30 seconds to continue booting.
crossystem dev_boot_usb=1 dev_boot_signed_only=0
umount /dev/sda*
fdisk /dev/sda
cgpt create /dev/sda cgpt add -i 1 -t kernel -b 8192 -s 32768 -l Kernel -S 1 -T 5 -P 10 /dev/sda
localhost / # cgpt show /dev/sda start size part contents 0 1 PMBR 1 1 Pri GPT header 8192 32768 1 Label: "Kernel" Type: ChromeOS kernel UUID: E3DA8325-83E1-2C43-BA9D-8B29EFFA5BC4 Attr: priority=10 tries=5 successful=1
15633375 32 Sec GPT table 15633407 1 Sec GPT header
cgpt add -i 2 -t data -b 40960 -s `expr xxxxx - 40960` -l Root /dev/sda
partx -a /dev/sda
mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda2
cd /tmp curl -LO mkdir root mount /dev/sda2 root tar -xf ArchLinuxARM-armv7-chromebook-latest.tar.gz -C root
dd if=root/boot/vmlinux.kpart of=/dev/sda1
umount root sync
pacman-key --init pacman-key --populate archlinuxarm
The installation above will use the mainline kernel. If you are still using the ChromeOS 3.8 kernel (linux-peach), you can switch to mainline two different ways:
pacman -S linux-armv7 linux-armv7-chromebook
Create the file /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/50-touchpad.conf and add the following to it:
Section "InputClass"
Identifier "touchpad"
MatchIsTouchpad "on"
Option "FingerHigh" "5"
Option "FingerLow" "5"
pacman -S alsa-utils
Alternatively, the following commands can be issued per channel to amixer. Requires alsa-utils as well.
amixer -c 0 set 'Right Speaker Mixer Right DAC1' unmute
amixer -c 0 set 'Right Speaker Mixer Mono DAC3' unmute
amixer -c 0 set 'Right Speaker Mixer Mono DAC2' unmute
amixer -c 0 set 'Right Speaker Mixer Left DAC1' unmute
amixer -c 0 set 'Left Speaker Mixer Right DAC1' unmute
amixer -c 0 set 'Left Speaker Mixer Mono DAC3' unmute
amixer -c 0 set 'Left Speaker Mixer Mono DAC2' unmute
amixer -c 0 set 'Left Speaker Mixer Left DAC1' unmute
Install acpid and pm-utils: pacman -S acpid pm-utils
Edit /etc/acpi/ and near the bottom you'll see the button/lid section. Add pm-suspend to the close section to look like:
case "$3" in
logger 'LID closed'
Enable and start acpid:
systemctl enable acpid
systemctl start acpid
Closing the lid will now trigger a suspend, and opening it will wake the system.
To allow all users to modify the backlight control at /sys/class/backlight/backlight/brightness, create and edit the file /etc/tmpfiles.d/brightness.conf with these contents:
f /sys/class/backlight/backlight/brightness 0666 - - - 800
On boot, systemd will now set the permissions of that control file to be world writable. Acceptable values are 0-7.
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